International Society for Krishna Consciousness | Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Vedic Calendar 2024

Darshan Times

7am – 12pm
12:30pm – 1pm
4:30pm – 8:30pm

Sunday Feast
Every first and third Sunday.

11am – Kirtan with live music
11:30am – Class
12:30pm – Arati
1pm – Prasadam (Veg Feast)

Bhakti Vedanta Ashram is the home to the Hare Krishna Temple of ISKCON Adelaide. The Temple
houses the worshipful Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Syamasundar, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai, Sri Sri Prahlad Nrsimha
and Srila Prabhupada.
ISKCON belongs to the Gaudiya-Vaishnava sampradāya, a monotheistic spiritual tradition, which is
philosophically based on the ancient texts of the Bhagavad-gītā and the Srimad Bhāgavatam. This
non-sectarian movement’s mission is to promote the well-being of society by teaching the science of
Krishna (God) consciousness according to these ancient Vedic texts that date back over 5000 years ago.

ISKCON Adelaide